Linda Jansova
2018-10-26 10:28:54 UTC
back in August we started investigating why we couldn't proceed with
upgrade from 2.12.6 to 3.1.4 (for more details please
After removing obviously invalid MARCXML records (which surprisingly
made their way to our 2.12 installation) we still have some records
which cannot be reingested (or saved).
Attached is a sample record americke_romany.xml which is one of those
troublesome ones. It is a genre/form term record with the main heading
in the field 155.
We have tried the SQL upgrade from 2.12.6 to 3.0.0 without authority
records reingest (the particular lines were commented out) and, once we
were at 3.1.4, used the web client to save this particular record
(without actually making any changes in it). However, it appeared that
it could not be saved:
open-ils.pcrud 2018-10-26 09:33:37 [ERR
:49144:oils_sql.c:6570:15405352984867814] open-ils.pcrud ERROR updating
authority::record_entry object with id = 356: 56966976 56966976: ERROR:
runtime error: file unknown-55cee6a934f0 element attribute
xsl:attribute: Cannot add attributes to an element if children have been
already added to the element.
at line 31.
CONTEXT: PL/Perl function "oils_xslt_process"
Using this error message, we began to suspect a XSLT transformation
being the culprit. We have taken XSL files from Evergreen (those from;a=tree;f=Open-ILS/xsl;h=68fd13ffb2ad01ef9ceacf9f18695f25d284df05;hb=HEAD).
When they were used (xsltproc MARC21slim2MODS33.xsl americke_romany.xml
included in the output (please see the attached output.xml file).
Then we used a web client again to change the 155 tag to the 100 tag
(and deleted another possible troublesome tag 755). After making these
changes, the record could be saved.
So the question is:
Where should we add the 155 field (probably in which of the XSLT files)
to make sure those records can be saved (or of course reingested)?
Thank you in advance for any hints!
back in August we started investigating why we couldn't proceed with
upgrade from 2.12.6 to 3.1.4 (for more details please
After removing obviously invalid MARCXML records (which surprisingly
made their way to our 2.12 installation) we still have some records
which cannot be reingested (or saved).
Attached is a sample record americke_romany.xml which is one of those
troublesome ones. It is a genre/form term record with the main heading
in the field 155.
We have tried the SQL upgrade from 2.12.6 to 3.0.0 without authority
records reingest (the particular lines were commented out) and, once we
were at 3.1.4, used the web client to save this particular record
(without actually making any changes in it). However, it appeared that
it could not be saved:
open-ils.pcrud 2018-10-26 09:33:37 [ERR
:49144:oils_sql.c:6570:15405352984867814] open-ils.pcrud ERROR updating
authority::record_entry object with id = 356: 56966976 56966976: ERROR:
runtime error: file unknown-55cee6a934f0 element attribute
xsl:attribute: Cannot add attributes to an element if children have been
already added to the element.
at line 31.
CONTEXT: PL/Perl function "oils_xslt_process"
Using this error message, we began to suspect a XSLT transformation
being the culprit. We have taken XSL files from Evergreen (those from;a=tree;f=Open-ILS/xsl;h=68fd13ffb2ad01ef9ceacf9f18695f25d284df05;hb=HEAD).
When they were used (xsltproc MARC21slim2MODS33.xsl americke_romany.xml
output.xml), the contents of the 155 field (which is a heading and
therefore one of the most important parts of the record) was neverincluded in the output (please see the attached output.xml file).
Then we used a web client again to change the 155 tag to the 100 tag
(and deleted another possible troublesome tag 755). After making these
changes, the record could be saved.
So the question is:
Where should we add the 155 field (probably in which of the XSLT files)
to make sure those records can be saved (or of course reingested)?
Thank you in advance for any hints!