Rogan Hamby
2018-10-30 19:11:17 UTC
For everyone attending the Hack-A-Way, a few reminders and links:
The agenda page can be found below. We will take some time Monday to talk
about scheduling these topics so that remote participants can plan to be
involved. Discussions that are of broad interest will be shared via the
community Youtube Live channel.
General information about the facility and this year's event can be found
The above wiki page includes links to parking maps, lists of nearby
eateries for the evenings as well as policies. We are expected in the
space between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm each day though we can arrive and leave a
bit on either side of those hours. Lunches, breakfast, coffee and water
(as well as the space) is being supplied by Equinox Open Library Initiative
so thanks to Equinox. Equinox has tied Indiana with hosting us twice though
it will be short lived as Indiana is already scheduled to host us again
next year and take the lead again.
Everyone attending should have a working knowledge of two specific
First, the photography policy:
We will have colored lanyards available at the event. Please keep in mind
that if you consent to have your photo taken it may be used in community
communications (Twitter posts for example). Also be mindful of the camera
when we setup the Youtube live feeds. We will endeavor to keep anyone out
of the feed who does not which to be on it but people may have to move
seating in some situations. Speaking of that, if you want to subscribe to
the Evergreen community Youtube channel you can do so here:
Secondly, the community behavioral policy:
Please keep in mind that the code of conduct is not meant to be
comprehensive. This particular event is held in close quarters so that
developers can work closely together. So, please be considerate of each
other, keep voices down, no audible music, keep phone ringers muted or
quiet, etc.... Additionally, while everyone can discuss whatever they want
in the course of the Hack-A-Way please do recognize that we come from
diverse backgrounds and viewpoints so some topics (such as politics) are
probably best to avoid.
The behavioral policy says that if you have problems you need addressed to
contact staff. If something does happen please don't hesitate to contact
either myself, Rogan Hamby, or Andrea Buntz Neiman. We will have moire
detailed contact information at the event for participants.
That's it! Safe travels and I look forward to seeing everyone in ATL.
Rogan Hamby, MLIS
Data and Project Analyst
Equinox Open Library Initiative
phone: 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
email: ***
The agenda page can be found below. We will take some time Monday to talk
about scheduling these topics so that remote participants can plan to be
involved. Discussions that are of broad interest will be shared via the
community Youtube Live channel.
General information about the facility and this year's event can be found
The above wiki page includes links to parking maps, lists of nearby
eateries for the evenings as well as policies. We are expected in the
space between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm each day though we can arrive and leave a
bit on either side of those hours. Lunches, breakfast, coffee and water
(as well as the space) is being supplied by Equinox Open Library Initiative
so thanks to Equinox. Equinox has tied Indiana with hosting us twice though
it will be short lived as Indiana is already scheduled to host us again
next year and take the lead again.
Everyone attending should have a working knowledge of two specific
First, the photography policy:
We will have colored lanyards available at the event. Please keep in mind
that if you consent to have your photo taken it may be used in community
communications (Twitter posts for example). Also be mindful of the camera
when we setup the Youtube live feeds. We will endeavor to keep anyone out
of the feed who does not which to be on it but people may have to move
seating in some situations. Speaking of that, if you want to subscribe to
the Evergreen community Youtube channel you can do so here:
Secondly, the community behavioral policy:
Please keep in mind that the code of conduct is not meant to be
comprehensive. This particular event is held in close quarters so that
developers can work closely together. So, please be considerate of each
other, keep voices down, no audible music, keep phone ringers muted or
quiet, etc.... Additionally, while everyone can discuss whatever they want
in the course of the Hack-A-Way please do recognize that we come from
diverse backgrounds and viewpoints so some topics (such as politics) are
probably best to avoid.
The behavioral policy says that if you have problems you need addressed to
contact staff. If something does happen please don't hesitate to contact
either myself, Rogan Hamby, or Andrea Buntz Neiman. We will have moire
detailed contact information at the event for participants.
That's it! Safe travels and I look forward to seeing everyone in ATL.
Rogan Hamby, MLIS
Data and Project Analyst
Equinox Open Library Initiative
phone: 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
email: ***