Bill Erickson
2018-09-26 15:43:54 UTC
Hi All,
As mentioned in the 3.2 RC post we now have an origin/rel_3_2 branch for
3.2 merges. This branch is open for business as far as general bug fixes
are concerned.
I have also created a tags/rel_3_2_rc1 branch. This will be the basis of
Evergreen 3.2.0. This branch is only open to last-minute urgent repairs
identified in the RC1 testing.
As mentioned in the 3.2 RC post we now have an origin/rel_3_2 branch for
3.2 merges. This branch is open for business as far as general bug fixes
are concerned.
I have also created a tags/rel_3_2_rc1 branch. This will be the basis of
Evergreen 3.2.0. This branch is only open to last-minute urgent repairs
identified in the RC1 testing.